Andrė Bakanavičienė

Andrė Bakanavičienė


Phone: +370 5 2653901
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Fields of practice: Criminal law, Criminal procedure law, Labour disputes, Administrative law, International protection of human rights.

Foreign languages: English.

Andrė Bakanavičienė specialises in the fields of criminal law and criminal procedure law, as well as labour disputes. During her work with the cases of corruption and financial crimes, she prepares procedural documents in the pre-trial investigation and court. She provides the legal assistance to the customers in cases of labour disputes of civil servants and internal service officers. Andrė also has theoretical and practical knowledge in the issues of international protection of human rights.




LLM, Vilnius University, 2018.



“Viešojo administravimo principai Lietuvos pozityviojoje teisėje”. Scientific article published in the publication “Teisės mokslo pavasaris” prepared by the Social Scientific Association of the Legal Faculty of Vilnius University (2016). 

“Kaltės problematika kvalifikuojant nusikalstamas veikas pagal Baudžiamojo kodekso 281 straipsnį”. Scientific article published in the publication “Teisės mokslo pavasaris” prepared by the Student Scientific Society of the Faculty of Law of Vilnius University (2017).

“Kriminalinės žvalgybos panaudojimo ribos”. Scientific article will be published in the publication “Teisės mokslo pavasaris” prepared by the Student Scientific Society of the Faculty of Law of Vilnius University (2018).